"use strict"; function t(t, e) { var s = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]; if (!s) { if (Array.isArray(t) || (s = i(t)) || e && t && "number" == typeof t.length) { s && (t = s); var n = 0, a = function () {}; return { s: a, n: function () { return n >= t.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: t[n++] }; }, e: function (t) { throw t; }, f: a }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } var r, o = !0, l = !1; return { s: function () { s = s.call(t); }, n: function () { var t = s.next(); return o = t.done, t; }, e: function (t) { l = !0, r = t; }, f: function () { try { o || null == s.return || s.return(); } finally { if (l) throw r; } } }; } function i(t, i) { if (t) { if ("string" == typeof t) return e(t, i); var s = {}.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1); return "Object" === s && t.constructor && (s = t.constructor.name), "Map" === s || "Set" === s ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === s || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(s) ? e(t, i) : void 0; } } function e(t, i) { (null == i || i > t.length) && (i = t.length); for (var e = 0, s = Array(i); e < i; e++) s[e] = t[e]; return s; } function s(t) { for (var i = Object.create(null), e = t.split(","), s = e.length; s--;) i[e[s]] = !0; return i; } function n(t, i) { for (var e = t.indexOf("&"); -1 !== e;) { var s = t.indexOf(";", e + 3), n = void 0; if (-1 === s) break; "#" === t[e + 1] ? (n = parseInt(("x" === t[e + 2] ? "0" : "") + t.substring(e + 2, s)), isNaN(n) || (t = t.substr(0, e) + String.fromCharCode(n) + t.substr(s + 1))) : (n = t.substring(e + 1, s), (l.entities[n] || "amp" === n && i) && (t = t.substr(0, e) + (l.entities[n] || "&") + t.substr(s + 1))), e = t.indexOf("&", e + 1); } return t; } function a(t) { for (var i = t.length - 1, e = i; e >= -1; e--) (-1 === e || t[e].c || !t[e].name || "div" !== t[e].name && "p" !== t[e].name && "h" !== t[e].name[0] || (t[e].attrs.style || "").includes("inline")) && (i - e >= 5 && t.splice(e + 1, i - e, { name: "div", attrs: {}, children: t.slice(e + 1, i + 1) }), i = e - 1); } function r(t) { this.options = t.data || {}, this.tagStyle = Object.assign({}, l.tagStyle, this.options.tagStyle), this.imgList = t.imgList || [], this.imgList._unloadimgs = 0, this.plugins = t.plugins || [], this.attrs = Object.create(null), this.stack = [], this.nodes = [], this.pre = (this.options.containerStyle || "").includes("white-space") && this.options.containerStyle.includes("pre") ? 2 : 0; } function o(t) { this.handler = t; } var l = { trustTags: s("a,abbr,ad,audio,b,blockquote,br,code,col,colgroup,dd,del,dl,dt,div,em,fieldset,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hr,i,img,ins,label,legend,li,ol,p,q,ruby,rt,source,span,strong,sub,sup,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,title,ul,video"), blockTags: s("address,article,aside,body,caption,center,cite,footer,header,html,nav,pre,section"), ignoreTags: s("area,base,canvas,embed,frame,head,iframe,input,link,map,meta,param,rp,script,source,style,textarea,title,track,wbr"), voidTags: s("area,base,br,col,circle,ellipse,embed,frame,hr,img,input,line,link,meta,param,path,polygon,rect,source,track,use,wbr"), entities: { lt: "<", gt: ">", quot: '"', apos: "'", ensp: " ", emsp: " ", nbsp: " ", semi: ";", ndash: "–", mdash: "—", middot: "·", lsquo: "‘", rsquo: "’", ldquo: "“", rdquo: "”", bull: "•", hellip: "…", larr: "←", uarr: "↑", rarr: "→", darr: "↓" }, tagStyle: { address: "font-style:italic", big: "display:inline;font-size:1.2em", caption: "display:table-caption;text-align:center", center: "text-align:center", cite: "font-style:italic", dd: "margin-left:40px", mark: "background-color:yellow", pre: "font-family:monospace;white-space:pre", s: "text-decoration:line-through", small: "display:inline;font-size:0.8em", strike: "text-decoration:line-through", u: "text-decoration:underline" }, svgDict: { animatetransform: "animateTransform", lineargradient: "linearGradient", viewbox: "viewBox", attributename: "attributeName", repeatcount: "repeatCount", repeatdur: "repeatDur", foreignobject: "foreignObject" } }, h = {}, c = uni.getSystemInfoSync(), d = c.windowWidth, p = c.system, u = s(" ,\r,\n,\t,\f"), f = 0; r.prototype.parse = function (t) { for (var i = this.plugins.length; i--;) this.plugins[i].onUpdate && (t = this.plugins[i].onUpdate(t, l) || t); for (new o(this).parse(t); this.stack.length;) this.popNode(); return this.nodes.length > 50 && a(this.nodes), this.nodes; }, r.prototype.expose = function () { for (var t = this.stack.length; t--;) { var i = this.stack[t]; if (i.c || "a" === i.name || "video" === i.name || "audio" === i.name) return; i.c = 1; } }, r.prototype.hook = function (t) { for (var i = this.plugins.length; i--;) if (this.plugins[i].onParse && !1 === this.plugins[i].onParse(t, this)) return !1; return !0; }, r.prototype.getUrl = function (t) { var i = this.options.domain; return "/" === t[0] ? "/" === t[1] ? t = (i ? i.split("://")[0] : "http") + ":" + t : i && (t = i + t) : !i || t.includes("data:") || t.includes("://") || (t = i + "/" + t), t; }, r.prototype.parseStyle = function (t) { var i = t.attrs, e = (this.tagStyle[t.name] || "").split(";").concat((i.style || "").split(";")), s = {}, n = ""; i.id && !this.xml && (this.options.useAnchor ? this.expose() : "img" !== t.name && "a" !== t.name && "video" !== t.name && "audio" !== t.name && (i.id = void 0)), i.width && (s.width = parseFloat(i.width) + (i.width.includes("%") ? "%" : "px"), i.width = void 0), i.height && (s.height = parseFloat(i.height) + (i.height.includes("%") ? "%" : "px"), i.height = void 0); for (var a = 0, r = e.length; a < r; a++) { var o = e[a].split(":"); if (!(o.length < 2)) { var l = o.shift().trim().toLowerCase(), h = o.join(":").trim(); if ("-" === h[0] && h.lastIndexOf("-") > 0 || h.includes("safe")) n += ";".concat(l, ":").concat(h);else if (!s[l] || h.includes("import") || !s[l].includes("import")) { if (h.includes("url")) { var c = h.indexOf("(") + 1; if (c) { for (; '"' === h[c] || "'" === h[c] || u[h[c]];) c++; h = h.substr(0, c) + this.getUrl(h.substr(c)); } } else h.includes("rpx") && (h = h.replace(/[0-9.]+\s*rpx/g, function (t) { return parseFloat(t) * d / 750 + "px"; })); s[l] = h; } } } return t.attrs.style = n, s; }, r.prototype.onTagName = function (t) { this.tagName = this.xml ? t : t.toLowerCase(), "svg" === this.tagName && (this.xml = (this.xml || 0) + 1, l.ignoreTags.style = void 0); }, r.prototype.onAttrName = function (t) { t = this.xml ? t : t.toLowerCase(), "data-" === t.substr(0, 5) ? "data-src" !== t || this.attrs.src ? "img" === this.tagName || "a" === this.tagName ? this.attrName = t : this.attrName = void 0 : this.attrName = "src" : (this.attrName = t, this.attrs[t] = "T"); }, r.prototype.onAttrVal = function (t) { var i = this.attrName || ""; "style" === i || "href" === i ? this.attrs[i] = n(t, !0) : i.includes("src") ? this.attrs[i] = this.getUrl(n(t, !0)) : i && (this.attrs[i] = t); }, r.prototype.onOpenTag = function (t) { var i = Object.create(null); i.name = this.tagName, i.attrs = this.attrs, this.attrs = Object.create(null); var e = i.attrs, s = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1], n = s ? s.children : this.nodes, a = this.xml ? t : l.voidTags[i.name]; if (h[i.name] && (e.class = h[i.name] + (e.class ? " " + e.class : "")), "embed" === i.name) { var r = e.src || ""; r.includes(".mp4") || r.includes(".3gp") || r.includes(".m3u8") || (e.type || "").includes("video") ? i.name = "video" : (r.includes(".mp3") || r.includes(".wav") || r.includes(".aac") || r.includes(".m4a") || (e.type || "").includes("audio")) && (i.name = "audio"), e.autostart && (e.autoplay = "T"), e.controls = "T"; } if ("video" !== i.name && "audio" !== i.name || ("video" !== i.name || e.id || (e.id = "v" + f++), e.controls || e.autoplay || (e.controls = "T"), i.src = [], e.src && (i.src.push(e.src), e.src = void 0), this.expose()), a) { if (!this.hook(i) || l.ignoreTags[i.name]) return void ("base" !== i.name || this.options.domain ? "source" === i.name && s && ("video" === s.name || "audio" === s.name) && e.src && s.src.push(e.src) : this.options.domain = e.href); var o = this.parseStyle(i); if ("img" === i.name) { if (e.src && (e.src.includes("webp") && (i.webp = "T"), e.src.includes("data:") && "all" !== this.options.previewImg && !e["original-src"] && (e.ignore = "T"), !e.ignore || i.webp || e.src.includes("cloud://"))) { for (var c = this.stack.length; c--;) { var p = this.stack[c]; "table" !== p.name || i.webp || e.src.includes("cloud://") || (!o.display || o.display.includes("inline") ? i.t = "inline-block" : i.t = o.display, o.display = void 0); var u = p.attrs.style || ""; if (!u.includes("flex:") || u.includes("flex:0") || u.includes("flex: 0") || o.width && !(parseInt(o.width) > 100)) { if (u.includes("flex") && "100%" === o.width) for (var g = c + 1; g < this.stack.length; g++) { var m = this.stack[g].attrs.style || ""; if (!m.includes(";width") && !m.includes(" width") && 0 !== m.indexOf("width")) { o.width = ""; break; } } else u.includes("inline-block") && (o.width && "%" === o.width[o.width.length - 1] ? (p.attrs.style += ";max-width:" + o.width, o.width = "") : p.attrs.style += ";max-width:100%"); } else { o.width = "100% !important", o.height = ""; for (var v = c + 1; v < this.stack.length; v++) this.stack[v].attrs.style = (this.stack[v].attrs.style || "").replace("inline-", ""); } "a" === p.name ? i.a = p.attrs : p.c = 1; } i.i = this.imgList.length; var y = e["original-src"] || e.src; if (this.imgList.includes(y)) { var b = y.indexOf("://"); if (-1 !== b) { b += 3; for (var x = y.substr(0, b); b < y.length && "/" !== y[b]; b++) x += Math.random() > .5 ? y[b].toUpperCase() : y[b]; x += y.substr(b), y = x; } } this.imgList.push(y), i.t || (this.imgList._unloadimgs += 1); } "inline" === o.display && (o.display = ""), e.ignore && (o["max-width"] = o["max-width"] || "100%", e.style += ";-webkit-touch-callout:none"), parseInt(o.width) > d && (o.height = void 0), isNaN(parseInt(o.width)) || (i.w = "T"), !isNaN(parseInt(o.height)) && (!o.height.includes("%") || s && (s.attrs.style || "").includes("height")) && (i.h = "T"), i.w && i.h && o["object-fit"] && ("contain" === o["object-fit"] ? i.m = "aspectFit" : "cover" === o["object-fit"] && (i.m = "aspectFill")); } else if ("svg" === i.name) return n.push(i), this.stack.push(i), void this.popNode(); for (var w in o) o[w] && (e.style += ";".concat(w, ":").concat(o[w].replace(" !important", ""))); e.style = e.style.substr(1) || void 0; } else ("pre" === i.name || (e.style || "").includes("white-space") && e.style.includes("pre")) && 2 !== this.pre && (this.pre = i.pre = 1), i.children = [], this.stack.push(i); n.push(i); }, r.prototype.onCloseTag = function (t) { t = this.xml ? t : t.toLowerCase(); var i; for (i = this.stack.length; i-- && this.stack[i].name !== t;); if (-1 !== i) for (; this.stack.length > i;) this.popNode();else if ("p" === t || "br" === t) { var e = this.stack.length ? this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children : this.nodes; e.push({ name: t, attrs: { class: h[t], style: this.tagStyle[t] } }); } }, r.prototype.popNode = function () { var i = this.stack.pop(), e = i.attrs, s = i.children, n = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1], r = n ? n.children : this.nodes; if (!this.hook(i) || l.ignoreTags[i.name]) return "title" === i.name && s.length && "text" === s[0].type && this.options.setTitle && uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: s[0].text }), void r.pop(); if (i.pre && 2 !== this.pre) { this.pre = i.pre = void 0; for (var o = this.stack.length; o--;) this.stack[o].pre && (this.pre = 1); } if ("svg" === i.name) { if (this.xml > 1) return void this.xml--; var h = "", c = e.style; return e.style = "", e.xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", function i(e) { if ("text" === e.type) return void (h += e.text); var s = l.svgDict[e.name] || e.name; if ("foreignObject" === s) { var n, a = t(e.children || []); try { for (a.s(); !(n = a.n()).done;) { var r = n.value; if (r.attrs && !r.attrs.xmlns) { r.attrs.xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; break; } } } catch (t) { a.e(t); } finally { a.f(); } } h += "<" + s; for (var o in e.attrs) { var c = e.attrs[o]; c && (h += " ".concat(l.svgDict[o] || o, '="').concat(c.replace(/"/g, ""), '"')); } if (e.children) { h += ">"; for (var d = 0; d < e.children.length; d++) i(e.children[d]); h += ""; } else h += "/>"; }(i), i.name = "img", i.attrs = { src: "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," + h.replace(/#/g, "%23"), style: c, ignore: "T" }, i.children = void 0, this.xml = !1, void (l.ignoreTags.style = !0); } var p = {}; if (e.align && ("table" === i.name ? "center" === e.align ? p["margin-inline-start"] = p["margin-inline-end"] = "auto" : p.float = e.align : p["text-align"] = e.align, e.align = void 0), e.dir && (p.direction = e.dir, e.dir = void 0), "font" === i.name && (e.color && (p.color = e.color, e.color = void 0), e.face && (p["font-family"] = e.face, e.face = void 0), e.size)) { var u = parseInt(e.size); isNaN(u) || (u < 1 ? u = 1 : u > 7 && (u = 7), p["font-size"] = ["x-small", "small", "medium", "large", "x-large", "xx-large", "xxx-large"][u - 1]), e.size = void 0; } if ((e.class || "").includes("align-center") && (p["text-align"] = "center"), Object.assign(p, this.parseStyle(i)), "table" !== i.name && parseInt(p.width) > d && (p["max-width"] = "100%", p["box-sizing"] = "border-box"), l.blockTags[i.name]) i.name = "div";else if (l.trustTags[i.name] || this.xml) { if ("a" === i.name || "ad" === i.name) this.expose();else if ("video" === i.name || "audio" === i.name) (p.height || "").includes("auto") && (p.height = void 0), i.children = void 0;else if ("ul" !== i.name && "ol" !== i.name || !i.c) { if ("table" === i.name) { var f = parseFloat(e.cellpadding), g = parseFloat(e.cellspacing), m = parseFloat(e.border), v = p["border-color"], y = p["border-style"]; if (i.c && (isNaN(f) && (f = 2), isNaN(g) && (g = 2)), m && (e.style += ";border:".concat(m, "px ").concat(y || "solid", " ").concat(v || "gray")), i.flag && i.c) { i.flag = void 0, p.display = "grid", "collapse" === p["border-collapse"] && (p["border-collapse"] = void 0, g = 0), g ? (p["grid-gap"] = g + "px", p.padding = g + "px") : m && (e.style += ";border-left:0;border-top:0"); var b = [], x = [], w = [], k = {}; !function i(e) { for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++) if ("tr" === e[s].name) x.push(e[s]);else if ("colgroup" === e[s].name) { var n, a = 1, r = t(e[s].children || []); try { for (r.s(); !(n = r.n()).done;) { var o = n.value; if ("col" === o.name) { var l = o.attrs.style || "", h = l.indexOf("width") ? l.indexOf(";width") : 0; if (-1 !== h) { var c = l.indexOf(";", h + 6); -1 === c && (c = l.length), b[a] = l.substring(h ? h + 7 : 6, c); } a += 1; } } } catch (t) { r.e(t); } finally { r.f(); } } else i(e[s].children || []); }(s); for (var N = 1; N <= x.length; N++) { for (var T = 1, O = 0; O < x[N - 1].children.length; O++) { var j = x[N - 1].children[O]; if ("td" === j.name || "th" === j.name) { for (; k[N + "." + T];) T++; j.c = 1; var S = j.attrs.style || "", C = S.indexOf("width") ? S.indexOf(";width") : 0; if (-1 !== C) { var I = S.indexOf(";", C + 6); -1 === I && (I = S.length), j.attrs.colspan || (b[T] = S.substring(C ? C + 7 : 6, I)), S = S.substr(0, C) + S.substr(I); } if (S += ";display:flex;flex-direction:column", -1 !== (C = S.indexOf("vertical-align"))) { var A = S.substr(C + 15, 10); A.includes("middle") ? S += ";justify-content:center" : A.includes("bottom") && (S += ";justify-content:flex-end"); } else S += ";justify-content:center"; if (-1 !== (C = S.indexOf("text-align"))) { var L = S.substr(C + 11, 10); L.includes("center") ? S += ";justify-content: center" : L.includes("right") && (S += ";justify-content: right"); } if (S = (m ? ";border:".concat(m, "px ").concat(y || "solid", " ").concat(v || "gray") + (g ? "" : ";border-right:0;border-bottom:0") : "") + (f ? ";padding:".concat(f, "px") : "") + ";" + S, j.attrs.colspan && (S += ";grid-column-start:".concat(T, ";grid-column-end:").concat(T + parseInt(j.attrs.colspan)), j.attrs.rowspan || (S += ";grid-row-start:".concat(N, ";grid-row-end:").concat(N + 1)), T += parseInt(j.attrs.colspan) - 1), j.attrs.rowspan) { S += ";grid-row-start:".concat(N, ";grid-row-end:").concat(N + parseInt(j.attrs.rowspan)), j.attrs.colspan || (S += ";grid-column-start:".concat(T, ";grid-column-end:").concat(T + 1)); for (var z = 1; z < j.attrs.rowspan; z++) for (var F = 0; F < (j.attrs.colspan || 1); F++) k[N + z + "." + (T - F)] = 1; } S && (j.attrs.style = S), w.push(j), T++; } } if (1 === N) { for (var U = "", q = 1; q < T; q++) U += (b[q] ? b[q] : "auto") + " "; p["grid-template-columns"] = U; } } i.children = w; } else i.c && (p.display = "table"), isNaN(g) || (p["border-spacing"] = g + "px"), (m || f || i.c) && function t(e) { for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++) { var n = e[s]; i.c && (n.c = 1), "th" === n.name || "td" === n.name ? (m && (n.attrs.style = "border:".concat(m, "px ").concat(y || "solid", " ").concat(v || "gray", ";").concat(n.attrs.style || "")), f && (n.attrs.style = "padding:".concat(f, "px;").concat(n.attrs.style || ""))) : n.children && t(n.children); } }(s); if (this.options.scrollTable && !(e.style || "").includes("inline")) { var V = Object.assign({}, i); i.name = "div", i.attrs = { style: "overflow-x:auto;padding:1px" }, i.children = [V], e = V.attrs; } } else if (("tbody" === i.name || "tr" === i.name) && i.flag && i.c) i.flag = void 0, function t(i) { for (var e = 0; e < i.length; e++) if ("td" === i[e].name) for (var s = 0, n = ["color", "background", "background-color"]; s < n.length; s++) { var a = n[s]; p[a] && (i[e].attrs.style = a + ":" + p[a] + ";" + (i[e].attrs.style || "")); } else t(i[e].children || []); }(s);else if ("td" !== i.name && "th" !== i.name || !e.colspan && !e.rowspan) { if ("ruby" === i.name) { i.name = "span"; for (var D = 0; D < s.length - 1; D++) "text" === s[D].type && "rt" === s[D + 1].name && (s[D] = { name: "span", attrs: { style: "display:inline-block;text-align:center" }, children: [{ name: "div", attrs: { style: "font-size:50%;" + (s[D + 1].attrs.style || "") }, children: s[D + 1].children }, s[D]] }, s.splice(D + 1, 1)); } } else for (var B = this.stack.length; B--;) "table" !== this.stack[B].name && "tbody" !== this.stack[B].name && "tr" !== this.stack[B].name || (this.stack[B].flag = 1); } else { var M = { a: "lower-alpha", A: "upper-alpha", i: "lower-roman", I: "upper-roman" }; M[e.type] && (e.style += ";list-style-type:" + M[e.type], e.type = void 0), i.c = 1; for (var P = s.length; P--;) "li" === s[P].name && (s[P].c = 1); } } else i.name = "span"; if ((p.display || "").includes("flex") && !i.c) for (var Z = s.length; Z--;) { var _ = s[Z]; _.f && (_.attrs.style = (_.attrs.style || "") + _.f, _.f = void 0); } var E = n && ((n.attrs.style || "").includes("flex") || (n.attrs.style || "").includes("grid")) && !i.c && !(p.display || "").includes("inline"); E && (i.f = ";max-width:100%"), s.length >= 50 && i.c && !(p.display || "").includes("flex") && a(s); for (var G in p) if (p[G]) { var W = ";".concat(G, ":").concat(p[G].replace(" !important", "")); E && (G.includes("flex") && "flex-direction" !== G || "align-self" === G || G.includes("grid") || "-" === p[G][0] || G.includes("width") && W.includes("%")) ? (i.f += W, "width" === G && (e.style += ";width:100%")) : e.style += W; } e.style = e.style.substr(1) || void 0; }, r.prototype.onText = function (t) { if (!this.pre) { for (var i, e = "", s = 0, a = t.length; s < a; s++) u[t[s]] ? (" " !== e[e.length - 1] && (e += " "), "\n" !== t[s] || i || (i = !0)) : e += t[s]; if (" " === e && i) return; t = e; } var r = Object.create(null); if (r.type = "text", r.text = n(t), this.hook(r)) { "force" === this.options.selectable && p.includes("iOS") && !uni.canIUse("rich-text.user-select") && this.expose(); (this.stack.length ? this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children : this.nodes).push(r); } }, o.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.content = t || "", this.i = 0, this.start = 0, this.state = this.text; for (var i = this.content.length; -1 !== this.i && this.i < i;) this.state(); }, o.prototype.checkClose = function (t) { var i = "/" === this.content[this.i]; return !!(">" === this.content[this.i] || i && ">" === this.content[this.i + 1]) && (t && this.handler[t](this.content.substring(this.start, this.i)), this.i += i ? 2 : 1, this.start = this.i, this.handler.onOpenTag(i), "script" === this.handler.tagName ? (this.i = this.content.indexOf("= "a" && t <= "z" || t >= "A" && t <= "Z") this.start !== this.i && this.handler.onText(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i)), this.start = ++this.i, this.state = this.tagName;else if ("/" === t || "!" === t || "?" === t) { this.start !== this.i && this.handler.onText(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i)); var i = this.content[this.i + 2]; if ("/" === t && (i >= "a" && i <= "z" || i >= "A" && i <= "Z")) return this.i += 2, this.start = this.i, void (this.state = this.endTag); var e = "--\x3e"; "!" === t && "-" === this.content[this.i + 2] && "-" === this.content[this.i + 3] || (e = ">"), this.i = this.content.indexOf(e, this.i), -1 !== this.i && (this.i += e.length, this.start = this.i); } else this.i++; }, o.prototype.tagName = function () { if (u[this.content[this.i]]) { for (this.handler.onTagName(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i)); u[this.content[++this.i]];); this.i < this.content.length && !this.checkClose() && (this.start = this.i, this.state = this.attrName); } else this.checkClose("onTagName") || this.i++; }, o.prototype.attrName = function () { var t = this.content[this.i]; if (u[t] || "=" === t) { this.handler.onAttrName(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i)); for (var i = "=" === t, e = this.content.length; ++this.i < e;) if (t = this.content[this.i], !u[t]) { if (this.checkClose()) return; if (i) return this.start = this.i, void (this.state = this.attrVal); if ("=" !== this.content[this.i]) return this.start = this.i, void (this.state = this.attrName); i = !0; } } else this.checkClose("onAttrName") || this.i++; }, o.prototype.attrVal = function () { var t = this.content[this.i], i = this.content.length; if ('"' === t || "'" === t) { if (this.start = ++this.i, this.i = this.content.indexOf(t, this.i), -1 === this.i) return; this.handler.onAttrVal(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i)); } else for (; this.i < i; this.i++) { if (u[this.content[this.i]]) { this.handler.onAttrVal(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i)); break; } if (this.checkClose("onAttrVal")) return; } for (; u[this.content[++this.i]];); this.i < i && !this.checkClose() && (this.start = this.i, this.state = this.attrName); }, o.prototype.endTag = function () { var t = this.content[this.i]; if (u[t] || ">" === t || "/" === t) { if (this.handler.onCloseTag(this.content.substring(this.start, this.i)), ">" !== t && (this.i = this.content.indexOf(">", this.i), -1 === this.i)) return; this.start = ++this.i, this.state = this.text; } else this.i++; }, module.exports = r;